Kamis, 28 April 2011

Berhentilah kalian mengkambing hitamkan Agama Allah ini

Kata Teroris saat ini dicitrakan ke Islam, apapun topik kerusuhan yang terjadi ujung-ujungnya Islam juga yang jadi korban, tak adakah permainan kalian yang lain sehingga agama pun kalian main-mainkan sebagai pengalih publik demi melanggengkan kekuasaanmu, wibawamu, namamu, kekayaanmu dan segudang syahwat dan hawa nafsumu ?. Apa hal yang membuatmu tertipu/terperdaya hingga tak mau rujuk pada Tuhanmu ?. Apa salah ISLAM pada dirimu hingga marahmu tak bisa pupus ? Islam tiadalah salah, jangan jadikan dalih/alasan untuk mencitrakan Islam dalam posisi yang buruk. keburukanmu sendiri akan menimpa dirimu sendiri. Devender of Islam tidak perlu dicari, mereka akan hadir sendiri manakala Islam sebagai Agamanya tertindas dan Itu sudahlah menjadi satu keputusan yang tak bisa diganggu gugat.   

Teroris adalah sosok penteror yang dilatarbelakangi oleh motif yang sangat beragam. Kita menyadari bahwa suatu prilaku tidak mungkin hadir begitu saja tanpa sebuah motif atau paradigma. Misalkan seseorang yang selalu memberi/berderma, prilaku itu muncul dari beberapa motif yang bisa kita rekam, tapi belum bisa kita tentukan dari motif yang mana prilaku itu muncul. Orang yang berderma bisa dilatar belakangi oleh motif : cari nama, cari pengaruh dan dukungan, karena kasihan/iba, karena ingin menonjolkan diri, karena ingin mempraktekkan teori, karena orang kaya/punya, karena merasa mulia, dan lain sebagainya. Begitu banyaknya motif seseorang yang bisa ditebak hanya dari satu prilaku yang dilahirkannya. Begitupun halnya dengan Teror yang terjadi di Indonesia ini. Teror bisa saja terjadi dimana saja dan oleh siapa saja tanpa terkecuali. Apalagi ketika seseorang punya kekuasaaan, kekuatan maka akan sangat  memungkinkan prilaku teror ini terjadi, misalkan antara Pihak Penguasa dengan rakyatnya, antara bos kerja dangan anak buahnya. Prilaku itu dianggap sah-sah saja, bila bos mengintimidasi anak buahnya, kalau tak dikerjakan kupecat, kalau tak dilayani di PHK dsb. Begitupun Penguasa, begitu banyaknya cara mendikte dan mengancam serta menteror apa dan siapa saja yang berada dalam teritorialnya. Contoh Siaran TV, berita, dan penyuguhan tontonannya begitu banyak berita yang menyudutkan wong cilik, artis yang tersandung kasus, dan terutama masuk dalam daftar FITNAH adalah Islam dengan Ajarannya saat ini.
Semarak dibicarakan dalam kalangan muslim dan non muslim, dari tingkat bawah sampai tingkat atas, mengomentari satu topik yaitu <b>MUJAHIDIN</b>. Tinjauannya sangat tidak fair, sangat negatif dan parahnya salah meninjau persoalan pula. Bahkan banyak yang membahasnya begitu rancu dan berbau politik, tenggang dan tidak transparan. Padahal Kemurnian sebuah kata harus dikembalikan ke Bahasa dimana kata itu diambil, dan jangan dikaburkan maknanya hanya karena ucapan manusia, penilaian manusia serta prilaku yang mengatasnamakan KATA MUJAHID. Tahukah kita dari mana kata MUJAHID itu diambil ? jawabnya dari AL_QUR'AN, dan bukan dari bahasa Arab, kenapa begitu ? sebab kata tersebut tidak pernah disebut-sebut semasa zaman Jahiliyah dahulu, dan memang mereka semua tak tahu menahu tentang kata Mujahid itu. Baru kemudian Allah sebutkan bahasanya pada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tertera dengan teks yang takkan terhapuskan sepanjang masa. Oleh sebab itu Topik yang dibicarakan itu (MUJAHID) diambil dari bahasa Islam/Qur'an, namun dalam pembahasan tinjauannya dipandang dari sudut pandang manusia. Kalau suatu Kata yang diangkat kepermukaan berasal dari Ayat Allah, maka jangan pandangan kita yang dikedepankan lebih dahulu, jangan pula kata tersebut distigmai dengan membentuk opini publik lewat media. Kembalikan penjelasan kata tersebut dalam tinjauan bahasa wahyu itu sendiri dan kemudian ditinjau dari segi Sunnah Rosul, bagaimana cara Nabi mempraktekkannya sepanjang sejarah pengejawantahan ISLAM dalam kancah pergualatan dunia.
Sudah selaiknya kita kembalikan porsi posisi kata MUJAHID itu pada tempatnya yang sesuai, agar jangan ada ajang untuk mengaku-ngaku yang bukan termasuk dalam kategori MUJAHID seperti dalam pandangan Allah sebagai penuzul kalam MUJAHID itu kelak.
Jangan karena kita penguasa lantas pemutar balik makna dan pemberitaan opini publik dengan Islam sebagai SOROTAN dianggap sah-sah saja. Bukankah Pemberitaan yang salah kaprah dan tak seimbang itu , hanyalah untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan anda semata ? tapi mengapa ISLAM yang harus juga jadi Korban dan kambing hitamnya ? Bukankah itu keterlaluan namanya ? dengan membahas Kata MUJAHID saja tapi hanya dengan sumber-sumber yang cenderung insaniyah dan jauh dari semangat Iman, walau beragam tapi itu semua hanya tinjauan sebagai manusia belaka bukan dari sudut pandang Allah dan RosulNya, apakah sudah dikatakan bagus begitu ? sedang  kita melupakan Kitabullah di mana Kata itu berasal ? bukankah dari Allah BAHASANYA ? dan sama sekali bukan dari manusia ?. Sekarang apa pernah terfikir bahwa dengan berkata soal MUJAHID terus anda tidak membentuk makna yang salah, padahal pendapat kita semua hanyalah berangkat dari tontonan yang disuguhkan dan bahkan dari yang kita dengar-dengar saja atau bahkan pengakuan beberapa gelintir orang yang konon disebut-sebut sebagai MUJAHID.
Apakah Kata Mujahid benar artinya Teroris seperti yang disetir maknanya oleh Media dalam opini publik???. Kalau benar Memang benarlah Barat menyatakan Kitab orang Islam adalah Kitab Teroris. Terus dari sisi Ummat Islam apa pembelaan mereka ? tidak ada, selain membenarkannya !, bagai pak turut dan bu turut, mengangguk-angguk tanda setuju. Apa pula buktinya ? buktinya Ummat Islam takut mempelajari Kitab sucinya sendiri. Kenapa ? karena ada tudingan miring yang disebar dalam masyarakat kalau mempelajari Al-Qur'an nanti sesat dan nanti bisa jadi teroris. kalimat dan prilaku ini saja sudah cukup jadi bukti memang ummat Islam tak punya daya bela dengan DINUL ISLAM ini. Peristiwa yang ditampilkan di TV telah menyudutkan ISLAM secara langsung dengan menampilkan sosok-sosok yang konon disebut-sebut (ngaku-ngaku) sebagai MUJAHID di TV, pihak Humas Polri pun ikut juga mensetir arah berita dengan membiarkan berita pengajian ini dan itu yang disorot tajam dan jadi Negatif bagi pengajian yang lainnya, serta terlalu tidak seimbang. Akhirnya ada dampak psikologis berat pada ummat Islam sekarang bahwa tekanan-tekanan yang ditujukan pada pengajian-pengajian telah membuat mereka ketakutan padahal pengajiannya tidak identik dengan pembuat onar, dan kekacauan.  Namun sorotan media belakangan tersebut telah memberi stigma buruk terhadap Image Islam kini dan nanti. Prilaku malas terhadap Islam bakal timbul, dan sikap yang tumbuh adalah sikap antipati bukan simpati pada Islam dan paling jauh prediksinya bakal terjadi murtad besar-besaran seIndonesia. Saat Ini MEDIA MASA telah menjadi TERORIS ISLAM paling tak bermoral bila tak bisa menyiarkan dengan seimbang bagaimana opini publik itu dibentuk. Begitupun Bisa jadi Penegak Hukum termasuk POLISI RI memang telah menjadi TERORIS bagi ISLAM  bila dalam proses pemberantasan pengebom-pengebom itu ternyata sampai merusak citra ISLAM di mata UMMATnya dan dimata Dunia. Kalau demikianlah halnya maka ketidakjernihan berfikir dan bertindak dari sekian banyak orang-orang itu telah menyudutkan atau melukai mereka-mereka yang tulus mengabdi menjadi hamba-hamba Allah di muka bumi  demi menjaga kesinambungan alam semesta ini, agar tidak semakin goncang dan bergolak, sebagaimana bergolaknya darah Abdi-Abdi Allah saat ini dengan semua fitnah terhadap ISLAM yang tak tersaringkan lagi oleh Media. Bila saja hal ini tetap terjadi akan YAKINKAH PEMERINTAH INI BAHWA BUMI INDONESIA INI AKAN BERTAHAN DALAM KETENANGAN BILA ISLAM SEBAGAI AGAMA ALAM SEMESTA INI DIUTIK DENGAN FITNAH ????. SEBEGITU YAKINKAH ORANG-ORANG INI NEGRINYA TIDAK AKAN BERGOLAK ??, BELUMKAH MENJADI BUKTI BUAT MANUSIA, BUMI TERUS SAJA BERGELIAT TAK TENTU ARAH, SEAKAN-AKAN HAMPIR SAJA PERCUMA KEBERADAAN HAMBANYA DIMUKA BUMI INI TIDAK JUGA HADIR SEBAGAI PENSTABIL DAN PENYEIMBANG SIKON YANG ADA. Apa manusia tidak tahu bahwa Langit bumi ini telah Islam  sejak dahulu kala ?. Subhanallah.

Kalau hendak menjaga, maka salinglah menjaga prilakunya secara bersama-sama. Sebab yang kita inginkan bersama adalah terciptanya kedamaian bersama yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai Agama, dan tristimewa  tidak menciderai citra Islam .

Senin, 11 April 2011

An appeal, call Faith in God's Book Al-Quran as a system of Muslim Faith

It's God's Book of age so long on this one, if calculated from the Holy Prophet, the Qur'an age is more than the year 1440. But judging from the contents, this Quran never mind his age than the far distance and since popularized by the Prophet Muhammad as has long been in the container of LAUHUL Mahfuzh. That is already countless old age this Noble Qur'an. It could even be said that the verses should have been there since the very first God said.
Currently, no assessment bias in view of the Al-Ummah most qur'anul Karim, like presumably as a mere sentiment, one of which is revealed it should not be carelessly examined, discussed later times misguided, do not be too deep will be a terrorist, do not too serious, then mad, and so forth.
if Ummat most asked: why did they say that? they were partly answered already many evidences "that the streets look much crazy" also see on TV they all become terrorists ". Some others Fear wrong, and worse the more some are calling" misguided later studied Al-qur ' an ".
Finally, if the image is formed in a layman's view? they become phobia and ALLERGIES by God's Book. Further to what effect? the emergence of behavior away from the meaning of verses of Allah, God sentences shrink as if there is a bigger business than just understanding the Qur'an. Are we all not concerned about this condition?
What kind of sentence to scare the ummah against the verses of Allah? What all those words mean? Is it justifiable reasons such as thrown to the people who love the meaning of the Qur'an?. It is worth saying if it posed only to incite the ummah who do not know anything? The question is again whether that sentence will be aware of the Ummah that he stay away from the Qur'an?. Is saying it had no intentions of Black against generations of the Qur'an? What is his motivation? whether the fear of losing arena / stall in the Ummah? Or quite the opposite what the sentence was not because of fear magnifying cleric / priest / cleric / or its mere preachers in educating his community that if properly taught his community can even more intelligent than his master? or whether the sentence was issued for the ummah does not run away from his Ustad (to keep the culture created by the cult)? whereas if mankind flee from God's Book that was the most dangerous of all artificial desire to be respected, honored and flattered like idol worship.
Is there a book apparently the best, most correct and best able to answer all questions other than God's Book?. or comparable  whether the Qur'an is with the books that had been used as a reference to the study of each group / group / organization / school?. and will be lost if people who learn the Qur'an to find a guiding light to his life? answer with all honesty yourself, do not use a random reason lies in order to justify themselves.

If the answer is "there is still a better book, more correct and better able to answer all questions other than God's Book? Then show your reason  (hujjah), and call on all people who you feel able to make, match, or even who you think is able to emulate his verses. If Allaah is comparable to the books that are often studied / made a study of community groups, groups, organizations and schools means that the person had lost control of his own faith. Then there are those who say God's Book discusses could be perverted or be a terrorist, then know it was the same we stated that Al-Qur'an THAT BOOK misleading. We seek refuge in Allah from  the nasty sayings . However
The Kalam of Allah itself which states that AL_QUR'AN HUDALLINNAS (Guide for humans, and this means that she's human and he will understand the meaning instructions, but if he's not human (like Animals) then he will still get lost. In fact, it continued longer that AL_QUR'AN BAYYINAT min al-Huda (the light of technical explanation, parsed / interpreted own verses), and not only that even AL_QUR'AN that AL-FURQON (distinguishing / separating the wrong right, light and dark, pagan and Islamic world and the hereafter, physically and spiritually and so forth).

Which book would dare classify all feeling, all thought patterns, all patterns of human behavior?. Is there a book that legitimit who dared come forward to explain himself into heaven or hell, believers or infidels and hypocrites, misguided or have a clue? Know There will never be other than this book. This is the book that, no doubt This is the book that explains all about it, because it is only God's Book is an LAA ROIBA. This book is obeyed by the angels in the wild there, even Previous page backwards because of it.

Is there a human and Islamic Ummah who will receive it in zhohir and inner without
and compare, confront with another book?
Are these people or Muslims who want to make it a source of reference
FAITH and GUIDANCE ? because there was no longer able to book a legitimate faith in someone other than God's Book, what he believed, nifaaq or infidel. After all Because it would not if his faith is determined by book-erek erek, also because it's nothing like faith standardized with other masters of the Book of master-and sutasoma .. another., and because it was not willing Faith legitimized by human speech (rhetoric culture), even because it's not that his faith would be corrected by the books that so many people assessed as more important than God's Book itself.

Like it or not, God's Book that will never change, is another book that is changing, changing our words, our faith is always shaken and shifted and changed, as well as our behavior patterns are erratic path. However The Kalamullah NO, never ever. Kalamullah it is still consistent, so as at first, until eventually preserved as Eschatology. Like it or not, the Qur'an it would be a clue for those who lost the road. Conscious or not it is God's Book will remain a system solution for all problems facing mankind from all sides of life.

Therefore, stop scaring people especially this nation to not hold yourself with holy Verses, because it means we become the people who tackle the way of Allah or to obstruct his servant to the true path.
Why not bow down just as Like the people who hear the read the Qur'an?
Why do not want to learn it as people who open their hearts and find useful knowledge for the world and its afterlife?
Want to search for another book which apparently this nation? Though this is the basic guidance and God's Book Elementary Instructions everything. Although there is the Book written by people Salih, It's just Bayan only, and will not until its value as HUDAN. Even the difference in contrast between the Quran with another book is
The BOOK of GOD was DINUZULKAN (descended) by Allah , while another book was composed. That is another book of essays RESULTS someone, while the BOOK of GOD is NOT the result of composing, but THE WORD OF GOD, GOD QOULUN, kalamullah. Another Book IFTARO value, while  The BOOK of GOD  Haqq value

Hopefully, this description is its benefit to speak of God may be paired thick add to God's Book of Our Faith Belle Kalam who awaited his testimony Hereafter. Amin Ya Robbal'alamin.

The presumption tilted "this Qur'an makes it very difficult"

Some community stated "the Qur'an is much less weight should be discussed definitely added difficulty. That statement was totally untrue. From where we know that examines the Qur'an even more difficult? Did he learn it? Did he discuss orderly ?. if you do not "do not comment on those that address", if we do not slander the Qur'an that!. Maybe we do not accidentally say it, but the impact of its meaning can be up to mean "forbid people to God's Book." People will think that "Quran is the book that troubling and makes it very difficult?". Do not be so mean?
Are we saying it is not against the word of GOD?. God say EASY, but we say, difficult. God says the solution, we say the problem?. What's that saying, not contrary to the word of God?. What does it mean to speak of love of God can not go hand in hand with the intention of God?, Are we so confident of our greeting right? What is sure is that we are able to compete with God and His Prophet proselytizing?
When we go to Surat Al-Muzammil verse 20: read the word "maa faqro'u tayssaru minal Qur'an" read what is easy of the Qur'an ". What does it mean? Means looking for an easy but must be from al-qur 'an ya! not erek-erek, or not any other book, nor of what facilitated the devil. Qiro'ah SYSTEM that allows it as a medium of education, departed from an easy / light / no load. qiro'ah system is as stages of learning and education is not the end, because after that we understand what we must do.
We are open again another verse especially Thoha paragraph letter to 2: And We did not menuzulkan this Qur'an to you for you hard ". Does this verse is not clear as clear textual translation? What does this mean yet to be understood by a string of text?. Al- qur'an given to the Prophet makes it any easier in practice. It is not difficult and no hard feelings and not be a burden too traumatic, to make pobia too. The Prophet not taught so by God, but we are told otherwise by our teacher (maybe). Teacher should teach the adult learning system in all of his community, to become the best Ummah ever presented again in the face of the earth.
In another purpose: God forbid trouble myself and life seems difficult, because in this Deen Allah had denied all Haraj / narrow / hard / difficult because the LAA IKROHA FIDDIIN (no coercive / forced / compelled in matters of Deen). And with the Qur'an, whoever, without exception, otherwise God is not making trouble, not his commandments: Faqro'u maa tayassaru minal qur'an?
Al-Quran is not difficult to learn, but that does not mean it should be discussed casually styled prince of darkness, with no need to know all the textual and contextual whole Qur'aan when dinuzulkan, could not also have to ignore details until a comprehensive lafadz and said the verses, nor forget the specificity and generality, and all that is related to the removal of explicit and implicit meanings of the Qur'an to be lifted also verses the hidden meaning.
Al-qur'an HARD only equaled, not difficult to learn!. Just compare the problems we have can not afford, let alone have to match it?. So foolish was his name when we are still looking sandingan, compare and match this kalamullah again.
If people consider it difficult to al-qur'an, the question of what they feel during this easy? whether the leave is EASY? Is that mean?. Does it away from the AL-Quran Is that easy? Do read the book than the Qur'an that if you feel easy? is that it?
Know! easy or hard, it's just matter WANT or DO NOT WANT. The intention is important. If it does not want / no intention = not determined, then even if a million people to explain it, is not going to change his views. People who like this is not a little in advance of this Earth. We and they just asked "what is all this time they want? Who obviously is not God's Book, but the load of the contents of this world alone. If there was intent, nothing is difficult, at least one obstacle has lost the impediment of self. Forget about dealing with oblique view of God's Book, the assumption most people forget that the Qur'an was difficult, stop and start saying this in depth. Hopefully all this there is no benefit to us all, for the sake of cleaning all the bad and negative image view ourselves about GOD verses.