Senin, 11 April 2011

The presumption tilted "this Qur'an makes it very difficult"

Some community stated "the Qur'an is much less weight should be discussed definitely added difficulty. That statement was totally untrue. From where we know that examines the Qur'an even more difficult? Did he learn it? Did he discuss orderly ?. if you do not "do not comment on those that address", if we do not slander the Qur'an that!. Maybe we do not accidentally say it, but the impact of its meaning can be up to mean "forbid people to God's Book." People will think that "Quran is the book that troubling and makes it very difficult?". Do not be so mean?
Are we saying it is not against the word of GOD?. God say EASY, but we say, difficult. God says the solution, we say the problem?. What's that saying, not contrary to the word of God?. What does it mean to speak of love of God can not go hand in hand with the intention of God?, Are we so confident of our greeting right? What is sure is that we are able to compete with God and His Prophet proselytizing?
When we go to Surat Al-Muzammil verse 20: read the word "maa faqro'u tayssaru minal Qur'an" read what is easy of the Qur'an ". What does it mean? Means looking for an easy but must be from al-qur 'an ya! not erek-erek, or not any other book, nor of what facilitated the devil. Qiro'ah SYSTEM that allows it as a medium of education, departed from an easy / light / no load. qiro'ah system is as stages of learning and education is not the end, because after that we understand what we must do.
We are open again another verse especially Thoha paragraph letter to 2: And We did not menuzulkan this Qur'an to you for you hard ". Does this verse is not clear as clear textual translation? What does this mean yet to be understood by a string of text?. Al- qur'an given to the Prophet makes it any easier in practice. It is not difficult and no hard feelings and not be a burden too traumatic, to make pobia too. The Prophet not taught so by God, but we are told otherwise by our teacher (maybe). Teacher should teach the adult learning system in all of his community, to become the best Ummah ever presented again in the face of the earth.
In another purpose: God forbid trouble myself and life seems difficult, because in this Deen Allah had denied all Haraj / narrow / hard / difficult because the LAA IKROHA FIDDIIN (no coercive / forced / compelled in matters of Deen). And with the Qur'an, whoever, without exception, otherwise God is not making trouble, not his commandments: Faqro'u maa tayassaru minal qur'an?
Al-Quran is not difficult to learn, but that does not mean it should be discussed casually styled prince of darkness, with no need to know all the textual and contextual whole Qur'aan when dinuzulkan, could not also have to ignore details until a comprehensive lafadz and said the verses, nor forget the specificity and generality, and all that is related to the removal of explicit and implicit meanings of the Qur'an to be lifted also verses the hidden meaning.
Al-qur'an HARD only equaled, not difficult to learn!. Just compare the problems we have can not afford, let alone have to match it?. So foolish was his name when we are still looking sandingan, compare and match this kalamullah again.
If people consider it difficult to al-qur'an, the question of what they feel during this easy? whether the leave is EASY? Is that mean?. Does it away from the AL-Quran Is that easy? Do read the book than the Qur'an that if you feel easy? is that it?
Know! easy or hard, it's just matter WANT or DO NOT WANT. The intention is important. If it does not want / no intention = not determined, then even if a million people to explain it, is not going to change his views. People who like this is not a little in advance of this Earth. We and they just asked "what is all this time they want? Who obviously is not God's Book, but the load of the contents of this world alone. If there was intent, nothing is difficult, at least one obstacle has lost the impediment of self. Forget about dealing with oblique view of God's Book, the assumption most people forget that the Qur'an was difficult, stop and start saying this in depth. Hopefully all this there is no benefit to us all, for the sake of cleaning all the bad and negative image view ourselves about GOD verses.

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